No pain, no gain...
at least I hope. We had to take down parts of the ceiling and a cinderblock wall. Too much rubble on the floor and I slipped, sliding my forarm against a pile of plaster bits and such. Actually, we ended up taking down the entire ceiling because I found a cracked joist that had to be repaired. I wanted to make sure that no other joists were in danger of collapsing.

I met with my attorney yesterday and we are now established in the state of Virginia as "McDyer's Publick House, LLC". I've also submitted plans to the building inspectors' office in order to get a building permit. One of the inspectors is supposed to meet with me tomorrow to take a preliminary look at the building and to let me know if any changes to the plans are required.

I met with my attorney yesterday and we are now established in the state of Virginia as "McDyer's Publick House, LLC". I've also submitted plans to the building inspectors' office in order to get a building permit. One of the inspectors is supposed to meet with me tomorrow to take a preliminary look at the building and to let me know if any changes to the plans are required.