Monday, August 29, 2005 

Still searching...

I've decided that the location in Winchester, Virginia is not the right place for the price. I'll continue my search. Today I've started to think about the possibility of purchasing a building lot and have my ideal establishment built for me. I've got to investigate the cost of this option before proceeding with my other options.
My brother in Mississippi escaped the wrath of Huricane Katrina, but he has pretty much lost his house, car and most belongings. It is too early to tell how things will turn out.

Thursday, August 25, 2005 

Culinary Quest

Culinary Quest

Well, I'm back from Winchester, VA. I think that I've found a place that will work. Now I need to get a little more info from the bank before I proceed with an offer. I'm pretty excited, but nervous about the whole deal. Let's see how it works out...

Sunday, August 21, 2005 

Chef Ken's Restaurant Quest

Well, my kiddies have blogs so I'm giving it a go. Let's see how this works.
I'm in Frederick, MD today looking for potential sites to open a restaurant. What kind of restaurant? My standard answer is... "it depends". It depends on the location, type of competition, the types of food that the locals (customers) will eat. My preference is to open an upscale Irish Pub type of place, but I can certainly offer a more formal/fine dining atmosphere or a more casual atmosphere.
It's 7:45 in the morning and I've got to leave in just over an hour to revisit a potential site in the Shenandoah valley of Virginia. My better half, my brother in law (professional plumber) and a friend (general contractor) are going with me to check out the place because it needs a LOT of work. Hopefully, we'll have a better understanding of how much work, once we take a close look at the place.

That's it for now.